Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The house cats

As near as I can tell, the cats have no names. I call the one with the severely curled tail "Stumpy" and the other one "Nubs", because it has a little kink just at the end of its tail. Many of the cats I've seen have the Siamese kinked tail, and none of them weigh over six or seven pounds.
Dogs lovers don't despair. I have pictures of puppies to upload soon.


Blogger vandy said...

How's A-M coping with the cats? Did you know/suspect/imtuit that there would be cats? Are they distant enough that A-M can avoid breathing them? Of course, I guess having a less than hermetically sealed house might help some....


September 27, 2008 at 6:37 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey V - Here's your answer! They don't bother me, at least, hardly at all! I knew they were here, wasn't looking forward to it (must confess) but whatever the enzyme is that causes the allergic reaction seems to be a shorter supply here, or reluctantly emitted as i get only a little wheezy after really prolonged contact. At first I kept my distance but have gradually moved to actual contact and could be seen yesterday giving an actual scritch! I know I know - its crazy man!
xo A

October 1, 2008 at 2:53 AM  

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